Monday, September 11, 2006

Boquete Again

I'm in Boquete, Republic of Panama. My partners, Phil and Temy, and I arrived early in the evening. The temperature here in the highlands is considerably cooler than it is in the coastal regions. It is a welcome change.

Temy is off staying with his relatives. Phil and I went to dinner together, in one of Boquete`s charming restaurants. The bar area was packed with American expats. We`re both bone tired, so we stopped in at a variety store for some snacks, then headed to our usual abode while in this area, the Boquete Garden Inn. At the variety store, I bought two packages of local ground coffee, totalling about 680 grams (Panamanian coffee is excellent,) two packages of local cookies, a large Snickers bar, and two cans of fruit juice. Total cost: $5.29. Translation: it doesn`t cost much to live here.

Tomorrow, we`re off to look at our land, chat with the surveyor, and hopefully meet some people who are interested in investing with us, or in purchasing building lots at Roca Milagro. It should be a fun day.

A few moments ago, I chatted with my wife and son back in Canada. My son made me promise to bake him homemade waffles "until they come out my ears," so of course I agreed. As my wife and son appear well, and everything seems as it should be, I am going to cut this short and get some sleep.

More in the coming days.

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