Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back to Panama soon . . .

I'm preparing for my fourth trip to Panama since November of last year. I'll be leaving on December 11th and will be gone for eight days. Things are moving ahead with our Roca Milagro residential project in Rovira Arriba, in the mountains of Panama near Boquete. We have the first draft of our building lot and street layout ready, and are preparing to move ahead with all of the studies necessary to get approval to begin construction of roads, water and electricity and other infrastructure, hopefully by mid-2007.

Beginning a project like this has been quite an education for me. Someday, when things are steaming along full-tilt, and all of the start-up frustrations are out of the way, I might write about it. For now, just let me say that my oft-stated requirement that for me to get involved in any investment, it has to be fun, is being mocked on occasion. What keeps me going is the stunning beauty of the development site, my commitment to my partners and investors, and the general appeal of Panama as a place both economically and politically stable. What are a few small frustrations along the way? Look at the photograph of our site above, and imagine extinct volcano Volcan Baru in the background, and the sound of the Rio David as it rushes along one side of the property. Imagine yourself riding or walking along the trails, through the lush green areas we plan to set aside, all among beautiful homes designed for tropical living. That is the image I keep in mind to keep me motivated.

I'm looking forward to my trip. Panama is such a beautiful place. One of my partners, our project engineer, has already moved into a temporary home in Boquete with his wife, until he can build their dream home on our site. I have met other people in the area, both native Panamanians and some who have moved to the area from Canada or the United States. Everyone is friendly and relaxed. It is quite a change from our hectic and sometimes frantic lifestyle at home.

For now, though, back to real life and a cluttered desk.

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