Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A House in Panama

I'm back, safe and sound, in good old Ontario, Canada. I had a rather hectic week in Panama, dealing with various business matters, but it was fun, overall. It would have been nice to have had a little more time to enjoy the sights and do some more exploring, but that will have to wait until next trip.

I bought a house while in Panama. I haven't told my wife yet, though. I'm a bit worried about how to break the news to her. According to her, I once bought a 17-unit apartment complex without warning her in advance, and I am therefore understandably nervous about repeating the error of not preparing her for such a large investment. The complex I bought years ago was in a town called Bothwell, Ontario, but my wife always called it 'Botswana.' Do you sense that somehow she wasn't overly fond of the investment I had made?

My new house in Panama didn't cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. It cost considerably less. I purchased it from a nice Panamanian man who, with his entire family in attendance, was selling it and other similar constructions along the road that leads from David to Boquete. Yes, it's a bird house. What did you think?

Over the years, my wife has learned to deal with my acquisitions. She is by now quite used to my meanderings, with both feet and mind, and trusts my judgments and instincts. Thank goodness for that! A guy like me could drive a less understanding woman to drink, or worse.

When I eventually build my real house at our Roca Milagro property in years ahead, the little bird house shown above will be placed strategically somewhere, where I can always see it. It will remind me of my Panamanian trip at Christmas time, 2006.

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