Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Circle of Life

While we are waiting for approvals to begin the building of roads and utilities on our Roca Milagro project in Rovira Arriba, Panama, we are allowing a local farmer to graze cattle on our land. One of the cows had passed away when we toured the property last week and the vultures were already gathering for a feast.

Life is like that. It stops for nothing and no-one. When something has outlived its usefulness, it decays and dies and makes room for something new. That includes us, the human beings who populate our planet. As much as I would like to think that I am going to live forever, I know it just isn't going to happen. At least, I hope, when I go I won't be vulture food.

I am trying valiantly to catch up with all of the things I need to do after my trip to Panama and will get back to some more regular posting soon.

In the meantime, I am supercharged with energy and goodwill and rarin' to go. The trip was great. While I was very busy with lawyers, accountants and other functionaries, the time was very relaxing too.

Enjoy every day. That is my motto, or at least one of them. Make the vultures wait. They, or the nasty little critters that will be chewing away at our remains when we go, will get their turn soon enough.

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