Monday, June 23, 2008

I get to meet some interesting people in my travels and projects. One such person is Miguel Bernard. That's him in the photograph displayed above, playing King of the Hill on one of the many rocks in our Roca Milagro development. Miguel lives in the Boquete area of Chiriqui province in Panama and our company uses his services extensively as interpretor and facilitator. That is one side of Miguel.

Another side of Miguel is what he does to help underprivileged kids in the Boquete area. He heads an organization called Panama United Foundation which exists to allow sponsorship of children with help to pay for expenses associated with going to school: tuition, books, uniforms, etc. A PDF brochure is avilable here.

I support Miguels's efforts, both in principle and financially. If you have some cash to spare and an interest in helping kids better themselves, I encourage you to donate to the Panama United Foundation. Every dollar helps.

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