Friday, July 11, 2008

Up, Up and Away

Like Superman in the old black and white TV days, I will be "up, up and away" to Panama this weekend. It's business, mostly, and maybe a little fun too, if I can spare the time.

The graphic above shows the layout of our Roca Milagro development near Rovira Arriba in Panama. It has been a little over two years since we bought the property. Now, road construction is underway at the site and things are moving ahead nicely. Hurrah!

I used to own a Superman belt buckle when I was much younger. It helped hold up my jeans for years. It's not that I have ever seen myself as superhuman, it was more a reminder to me that in order to move ahead and accomplish anything in life one generally has to expend superhuman effort. Do nothing, gain nothing. Do a bit, gain a bit. Do a lot, gain a lot. I have always believed that.

It helps to have people around you that you can depend on, individuals who have skills and talents you personally don't possess. I have been fortunate in that respect. I am grateful. Super-grateful.

I had a chat with my son a few days ago. I explained to him that I have this huge 'to-do' list and that one of my greatest fears is that I won't be able to do all of the things I want to do, visit all the places I wish to, experience all of the pleasures that I would like. Getting older, to use the common vernacular, sucks. Never having done anything interesting or exciting or even crazy (to some observers) would, I suspect, suck more. I have done a lot, travelled a lot, experienced a lot. I have stubbed my toes and bumped my head many times. That is how we learn. Life, as they say, is not a rehearsal. We have one chance at it and then we die. Happy thought, isn't it?

I'm not planning on departing this earth anytime soon.

I am looking forward to seeing our project, seeing some of my partners again, and meeting some new people while I am in Panama. Maybe I'll have time to go riding, if I can find someone who will lend or rent me a horse. That would be nice.

Unlike Superman, I can't fly. I can still walk, but riding is more fun. Excuse me while I add finding a horse to ride in Panama to my to-do list.

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