Friday, April 10, 2009

Outside Looking In.

Click on photograph to enlarge

Do you know what it's like when you get so close to something that you miss the 'big picture' significance or total beauty of it all? When I was in Panama in February, my friend and partner Wilf and I took a walk along the service road that runs along one border of our Roca Milagro property. I wanted to get a feel for what it would be like when Roca Milagro is populated with people and someone wants to go for a hike or a ride towards the town of Dolega, where the service road ends, miles away. The photograph above is one I snapped looking in at our development from outside the rock wall that separates us from the service road. The mountain in the background is the famed Volcan Baru.

I enjoyed the tranquility of it all, but couldn't help wondering what it will all look like when the roads and services are complete and people start building homes. We're getting closer every day.

I can't wait!

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