Sunday, April 12, 2009

Roca Milagro Layout

(Click image to enlarge)

If you are a Google Earth fan, as I am, you have probably used the software to visit every home you have ever lived in (or as close as you could get) and every place you plan to visit in the future. I thought it would be interesting to see our Roca Milagro site from above, as shown in the image used here, and to superimpose on it some of the features on our property available to future residents.

If you want to check it out yourself on Google Earth, the co-ordinates to Roca Milagro are:

Latitude: 8°37'5.41"N

Longitude: 82°28'43.84"W

For a satellite view of Roca Milagro via Google Maps, please use this link: Roca Milagro.

Happy traveling!


Karen Selick said...

The site looks great, Sieg.

Sieg Pedde said...

Thanks, Karen. Appreciate that!