Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome to Rovira Arriba

Click to Enlarge

Roca Milagro is situated just a short 3 kilometer or so jaunt down the road from a sleepy Panamanian village called Rovira Arriba. When we purchased the land on which our development is located, in 2006, the last 1/12 kilometers was a pretty bumpy ride. Potholes were everywhere. Rocks jutted out of the road. Driving was slow and dusty.

We didn't like that. So, what did we do? Did we lobby local authorities to fix the road because we were going to be spending millions developing a big, beautiful development in the area?

No, we didn't. We contacted the local authorities and asked for permission to upgrade the road ourselves, at our expense. All we asked was that when we completed the first part of the improvement, which was to bring in over 250 loads of fill, build up the road bed, grade it all smooth and then compact it, that they take the next step and seal the surface to protect it and to keep the dust down. Below is a photograph taken while we were keeping our part of the bargain.

Click to Enlarge

We're still waiting. One must be patient in Panama. In the meantime, we're not letting anything hold up our own progress at Roca Milagro. After all, when the Panamanian authorities finally keep their promise to us, we want to make sure we will have kept our promises to ourselves and to our partners and customers.

Do we get brownie points for setting a good example?

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