Monday, August 13, 2007

Summer's Gone Again

I'm afraid I have been neglecting my blogging. Bad, bad, me. I still try to read the posts of others on my blogroll but have been unable to do much posting myself. Soon, I will post again. Right now, I'm trying get caught up.

Next week, I will be doing a presentation at our local college. A class at the school has been assigned to do a mock advertising/marketing program for one of my companies and I am curious to see what they come up with.

Our Roca Milagro project in Panama is coming along, and we're getting ever closer to being able to drop bulldozer blades and start grading roads on the site. Our target is to be able to do this in late December or early January. That's if the bureaucrats and innumerable holidays don't get in the way of us making further headway. It seems like every second day is a holiday there, in Panama.

It's getting colder here in Ontario. The days are getting shorter. To me, at this time of year, everything takes on a sense of urgency, as if somehow the colder weather and the decreased sunlight has to be compensated for with increased productivity. I know, it doesn't make sense to me either.

And so it goes. Next week will come the official start of fall. I may shed a tear or two at that time. Would you care to join me and we can cry into our beer together?

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